Bring your light


In an increasingly superficial and narcissistic world, where our lives are constantly filled with the images and the thoughts of others, we can finally rest in the meeting of our own reflection. Your Soul Journal is a place to meet your sacred self in the mirror. There she is, staring right back at you on the page…

Whilst we all engage in many differing levels of intimacy and connection with the people in our lives, there is only one person/soul who you will converse with from the moment you are born to the moment you die and that is you. This conversation unfolds naturally, at different points in different lives for different people, but it will unfold, and it’s deepest intent is to help you understand your WHY. To answer the questions (as a seeker) that you must know the answers to – this is imperative for those of us who do not wish to live half asleep, in an unconscious stream of life. Our WHY matters and the Soul Journal is a place where you can explore this question freely, without censorship.

I like to compare the revealing of your WHY as a little bit like cracking an egg. The shell is the egg’s personality – inside, the yolk or essence is held in suspension by the spreading white. Crack it open and I AM THAT lays in front of you – the essence held within its own cosmology and ecology – but it’s the essence we want to witness and understand – not the personality (shell). This essence holds the key to all of our sovereignty, and ability to allow our unique WHY to appear in the mirror.


You may have already heard of the 7 levels of WHY as it’s used a lot in personal development circles, and I find it’s a particularly good exercise to do in your Soul Journal. Mostly because if we don’t censor ourselves as we write, we can access the deepest heart of the WHY of any question we ask.

It’s very simple – you keep asking WHY down to 7 levels until you get to the nub of it all. Here’s an example from my own journaling practice.

  • Why do I want my gifts to be seen/heard?
  • Because they have value – Why do they have value?
  • They can be a catalyst to make people think and reach for their highest potential – Why is that important?
  • Because it’s the only real way to change the world – Why do you want to change the world?
  • Because we are so disconnected from our true nature – Why are we so disconnected?
  • Because there are so few people who are willing to be a catalyst or lead in this way – Why are there so few?
  • Because they/I didn’t stand up or become visible – we remained seated as observers

And there it is – in my Soul Mirror – my TRUE why reveals my inability to stand up/show up to be a catalyst for the change I’m seeking. The answer for myself is obvious – stand up/show up on your path.

So, go ahead and try it for yourself – your own levels of why – you may be surprised as to what it reveals.


One last thing, whilst the journal as a sacred mirror can be as enthralling and beautiful as the imaginal discs of a butterfly, there is a Shadow Mirror that will show itself to you as you continue your journal practice.

My advice would be, don’t force the shadow into the light. It will reveal itself at the right time, as you become aware of feelings, or parts of your psyche you have repressed. This will happen as a normal part of the practice of Soul Journaling. Bringing your shadow into the light for evaluation will be one of the most important steps to helping your whole ‘self’ become integrated; but it is an ongoing process and will unfold when you are ready to receive its wisdom.

Timing is everything in the process of metamorphosis. Forcing any kind of healing or transmutation will only slow your progress in the long run. If you want more advice, reach out as you go deeper into the process.

In 2024, I will be providing a Shadow Work Resource Guide of workshops and teachers I have personally found helpful. Reach out if this is something you would like more information on.

For those of you who are new to this process, take it slowly and allow it to unfold. Keep yourself safe and reach out to clinical professionals if you need to.

As always, join our Sister Circle if you want to know more!