Bring your light


The most important pillar of the Soul Journal is the recording of your dreams and intuition. In other words recording what comes to you when you inquire into your own Symbolic Life. When you ask the question – What does this mean to me!

Have you met yourself – your Soul yet? Do you know who you are at the deepest, most true level – where your essence shines in the darkness of the past, present and the unknown? Most of the women I have known who consider themselves ‘seekers’ have spoken of either an intuitive knowing of themselves or have had inklings that ‘their essence’ is slowly becoming known to them – through dreams and the symbolic life.

If you are interested we can go deeper into the Jungian world of archetypes and the shadow work of the subconscious in one our zoom sessions, but for now it’s important to just focus on the symbols, images, patterns and synchronicities that are unfolding and appear to you. Make it a habit to keep a journal by your bed so that you can record with clarity, any dreams that seem particularly meaningful. Dreams are your subconscious talking to you…also write down your thoughts, gut reactions, triggers, during the day when you have an intuition about something, or a knowing that keeps coming back to you.

It’s with our association as to what something means to us, and the conclusions we make about the external world that become concepts in our minds and those concepts then become represented by symbols. Once you have a symbol in your conscious or subconscious it will create expectations and those expectations become manifest across the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual realms. It’s the symbols themselves that have a unique meaning and content/context for you… they hold information, which is why it’s important to understand what your symbols are and how to unpack them. Our symbolic life is a powerful driver in the myth and meaning making we carry with us as we write the narrative of our own lives. I like to think of our symbols as Jewels from the Quantum and once you understand the meaning they have for you, a new confidence in your path in life will become apparent to you.

Keep an eye out for any patterns that repeat, or where you senses are particularly heightened – or where you become aware of energy as a felt sense or colours – this is often spoken of as walking the in between – the liminal realm between our physical reality and the spiritual world

Over the years my own Soul Journaling practice has revealed my life unfolding like a fractilian fern – a life that has an absolute postion in the universe of Sacred Geometry. This is born out of the intuitive knowing that there are certain things for me, and that is all I need to focus on – everything else belongs to someone or somewhere else. This is an exercise in the direct path to Self, Self-naming, Self-locating.

Finally, think of your Soul Journal as a bucket – a ‘trust’ vessel dipping into your own well of dreams, intuition and knowing. The Journal dips into the well and brings back up to the light, that which needs to be examined. Later we will explore beyond your dreams into the practice of viewing through the third eye, entering into your spirit boardroom and walking with your highest guides on your path.

For now as always, if this speaks to you – join our Sister Circles to discuss how you can use the power of your Soul Journal to reach your highest potential.