Bring your light


Alchemy is the magical power or process of transmuting – the turning of base metals into gold. Similarly our language is the base metal we can turn into the golden expression of our souls…

The cornerstone of this alchemical process is developing the capacity to hold the true, right language for you, that is unique to you. Every word, sentence and tone of our language contains energy and meaning that only you can interpret. If we want new worlds to appear, we need new words to describe them, to bring them into being. It’s through the Soul Journal that we can explore what particular words mean to us, the energy and context they hold, and how they affect our inner and outer conversations.

I have a Getting Started Guide that will help you put down on the page what a particular word means to you. Click on the image here for your free PDF copy.

Once we understand the meaning we attach to our words, we can start to develop an alchemical relationship to our language that moves us through the transformation process.

Imagine you have the language skills of a typical human living on planet Earth and are suddenly visited by someone with a higher language level from another planet. This being is trying to communicate with you, but you have no words to describe your experience in a way they would understand. This is like your Soul trying to tap you on the shoulder to have a conversation, but you have don’t have the soul language to interpret them. This is why we need to expand our language to include a way for you to understand what your soul is trying to tell your human mind. A certain amount of cutting away and dissolving of the human psyche must take place in order to open your communication channels up to the soul and divine energy. This is a subtle process and can’t be hurried. You need do nothing more than witness what words mean to you, and the rest will follow naturally.

For those of you who have heard the term Synasthesia – it’s in the sensing of your own language that you can connect to a different sense of understanding ie.

Synasthesia is where a sense or concept is connected to a different sense or concept, such as smelling colors or tasting a word. 

This connecting of senses is more common that we think, I have a friend who senses each day of the week as a colour and has done since early childhood. We should never forget that language is a living entity, it’s not just constructing words in their right order. As you begin to pay attention to your words you will also notice that the alchemy of the soul itself is mercurial and constantly evolving. The more you use your Soul Journal the more attuned you will become to your own true language.

Often the greatest treasure is revealed during what I call ‘Word Streaming’ – just allowing a stream of consciousness to flow onto the page without thinking too much and without censorship. This is easy to do and can be done at any time of day when you have an intuitive nudge or are triggered by an event or person.

And finally as you continue to journal, you will become aware of the power of the stories you tell yourself and others, the scripts you have constructed that have got you to where you are today, and how you can re-write those scripts to allow more of your potential and soul path to manifest. We do this through a process of using our language and stories as Narrative Medicine (a whole other topic we will discuss later and in our Sister Circles if you feel called to join!)