words by jayne

words by jayne

Hi, I’m Jayne. I’d like to welcome all my fellow travellers, as we move into this tumultuous, ‘Renaissance’, Age of Aquarius.

As the planet rebirths itself, old structures are crumbling and new ways of being are beginning to take shape. And thankfully, (since time immemorial), poetry and storytelling have been fundamental in helping people find a way to make sense of their new world, and their place in it.

Using this rebirth as my own guiding star, I hope to support, entertain and sustain you, as we watch the next great adventure in human consciousness unfold.

I write poetry, novellas and stories, and create visual poems that create new ways of describing what it is to be human. For those of you who have read my work and given me feedback, thank you so much 🙂 x

There are also Guided Journeys here for you, if you’re looking for help with intuitive tools like Soul Journaling, Tarot and Oracle cards, or simply want to chat about what’s going on for you at a deeper soul level. (More about my professional life on the About page if you’re interested).

‘I only know that my heart is the heart of a writer and is full of desire and exotic dreams. Everything comes from this place of freedom and fantasy; it sows the breadcrumb trail. There is nothing else I need to do. A writer has no choice but to follow the signs and to burn it up – you have no purpose but to burn. 

Words come tumbling from the heat, what’s not said between the lines is gold, you have to keep running, keep following the underwater current, keep moving towards the wishes of your soul, even if it means everything else stops dead in its tracks.

It’s your job, you are the keeper, you have this affinity for a reason, don’t waste it! It’s not yours to waste. You aren’t done till you are burned out, burned up – that’s the point. Writers are fuel – get to it! 

This is a messy business. You can’t get away with a neat writer’s life. It doesn’t work that way – not if you have something to say. 

The beat of your life will keep you on track – So, Tango, go with the flow, the passion, the rhythm, and keep your toes pointed towards humanity’…. That’s your job 🙂

If you also believe in the power of words as I do; I would be honored to walk beside you! I have a free guide for you with a simple but powerful way of connecting with your own words – you can download by clicking on the cover of the book. Feel free to reach out if you need additional guidance.

All love, Jayne xx